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Git Asdf Python Version Copier Hatch GitHub


Git is a free and open source distributed version control system.


OS Package Manager Command
linux Aptitude apt install git
linux DNF dnf install git
linux Pacman pacman -S git
linux Zypper zypper install git
macOS Homebrew brew install coreutils git
macOS Spack spack install coreutils git


Check if git is already installed by running git -v before installing.


Asdf is a multiple runtime version manager.

Install Asdf#

Visit the asdf getting started page for detailed instructions.

Python 3#

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.

Install Asdf Python Plugin#

asdf plugin add python

To list all installed plugins run asdf plugin list. To list all available plugins run asdf plugin list all.

Install Python Version#

asdf install python latest


asdf install python 3.12.2

To list all installed python versions run asdf list python. To list all available python versions run asdf list all python.

Set a Default Python Version#

asdf global python latest


asdf global python 3.12.2

Set a Python Version for Your Project#

cd PATH/TO/PROJECT && asdf local python latest


cd PATH/TO/PROJECT && asdf local python 3.12.2

The local Python version will be set in a .tool-versions file within the current directory. .tool-versions

python 3.12.2


Copier is a library and CLI app for rendering project templates.

Install Copier#


If you haven’t already, install pipx first: pip install --user pipx.

pipx install copier

Inject Copier Templates Extensions#

pipx inject copier copier-templates-extensions


Hatch is a modern, PEP 621 compliant, extensible Python project manager.

Install Hatch#

pipx install hatch

Configure Hatch#

Store virtual environments in a directory named .hatch in each project directory.

hatch config set dirs.env.virtual .hatch

This adds the following to the configuration:

virtual = ".hatch"
The Configuration for Hatch is stored in a config.toml file at i.e. ~/Library/Application Support/hatch on macOS.


You will need a GitHub account for the GitHub Actions workflow.